
Thursday, July 05, 2007

RI, Aussie forge cooperation in improving performance of flight regulators

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia and Australia forged a cooperation on a Rp178 billion transportation safety assistance program to improve flight safety.

"The program will be focused on efforts to improve the performance of regulators, managers, safety investigators and flight operators in Indonesia," Susan Page, chairwoman of a visiting Australian delegation to a strategic summit on flight safety in Indonesia, said here on Wednesday.

In a press release issued by the Australian embassy here on Wednesday, Page said the Rp178 billion aid package will in three years be prioritized on efforts to overcome heavy safety challenges of air and sea transporation in Indonesia.

A change in supervision and transportation safety services in Indonesia is part of practical steps to be taken, said Page who is in Indonesia to attend the flight safety meeting this week.

"The outcome of an assessment on transportation safety by the Indonesian government and the International Civil Aviation Organization will be used in a working program we are trying to develop and this information will be followed by a joint workshop in Indonesia in next few months," Page said.

On the sidelines of a meeting in Bali this week, officials of the two countries` transporation services discussed how the aid package could be used.

In the meantime, Australian Ambassador to Indonesia Bill Farmer warmly welcomed the news on the progress reached in the Bali meeting in identifying objects that could be the subject of the aid target.

"The Australian transporation institution has cooperated closely with Indonesia as its partner in the past few years including a program funded by Australia, valued at A$1.1 million (Rp7 billion) in the 2006-2007 period. At least 340 Indonesian flight safety officials have been trained in international standards," he said.

Earlier, Chairman of the Indonesian National Air Carriers Association (INACA) Rusdi Kirana said the focus of his side`s recommendation was on improvement in quality and quantity of flight personnel in anticipation of the ASEAN aviation liberalization (Open Sky) in 2008.

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