
Monday, June 11, 2007

Norway to Help Journalistic School

Monday, 11 June, 2007 | 15:32 WIB

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: The Norwegian government will help the Indonesian government and the Press Council which plan to establish a journalistic school.

Norwegian's assistance will be in terms of the capacity building of the school.

M. Nuh, Information and Communication Minister, said that the signals of aid appeared during a meeting with Norwegian Foreign Affairs Minister Jonas Gahr Store, last weekend.

In addition to accepting the aid, Nuh went on to say the government will cooperate with Oslo University to give scholarships for Indonesian journalists and to carry out researches on many issues.

“This must be taken advantage of, please do any research,” said the former Rector of the Sepuluh Nopember Instute of Technology, Surabaya (ITS).

According to him, the opportunity of other forms of aid from the Norwegian government is still open.

Bambang Harimurti, member of the Press Council, stated he will soon make a more detailed concept to realize the Norwegian aid.

According to him, journalistic schools in Asia-Pacific region have already been there so they can implement it in Indonesia.

“We just need to discuss the certification matter,” he said.


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