
Monday, June 18, 2007

Gorontalo may build nuclear power plant in 2008

Gorontalo, Gorontalo (ANTARA News) - Gorontalo will likely become Indonesia`s first province to have a nuclear power plant (PLTN) after it reached agreement with the Russian power company Raoues to set up a nuclear power plant in the province, an Indonesian official has said.

"It appeared that Gorontalo is quite serious in realizing it its plan to have a nuclear power plant. The plan will hopefully encourage other provinces to follow suit," Nuclear Energy Monitoring Agency (Bapeten) chairman Sukarman Aminojoyo said here Sunday.

"Another province that is ready to have a nuclear power plant is East Kalimantan, but Gorontalo has moved ahead of the province in making preparations for a nuclear power plant," he said.

Sukarman expressed hope that the 70 MW floating nuclear power plant in Gorontalo which will be built starting in 2008, would contribute to efforts at overcoming the prolonged power supply shortages in the province.

He also said that as of April 2007 Bapeten had already issued 12,243 permits to use nuclear technology, to 4,169 to industries, 4,814 to medical establishments, 3,222 to radiation protection personnel, and 38 to educational and university research programs.

Since 1979, Indonesia built nuclear reactors respectively in Yogyakarta, Bandung and Serpong.

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