
Friday, May 25, 2007

PLN establishes technical cooperation with Japanese company

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - State-owned power company PT PLN established a technical cooperation with Japan`s Electric Power Development Co. Ltd. to raise the coverage of electricity distribution to regions from the current 54 percent to 100 percent by 2020.

The cooperation agreement was signed on Wednesday at the PLN head office by the power utility`s president director Eddie Widiono and J-Power President Yoshihiko Nakagaki, PLN spokesman Ario Subijoko said in a press statement received here on Thursday.

He said the agreement will be effective for two years and was extendable upon the two parties` aggreement.

He said the agreement was the two parties` initiative with regard to especially developing power generation and transmission technology.

Under the agreement PLN wishes to learn more from Japan about electricity technology that has been very advanced in that country, while several training and study programs will be held for PLN engineers including on High Voltage Direct Current transmission technology development.

Currently PLN and J-Power are still studying the possibility of utilizing sea water for generating electricity (pump storage). He said if based on the result of a study, the technology was feasible, then PLN would in the near future conduct further study and make the design which would be followed by its construction.

Another technology to be jointly studied is supercritical technology for geothermal power generators for high efficiency and environmental friendliness.

By applying the technology, fear for inefficiency and pollution from the operation of large-scale coal-fired power plants, could be avoided, he said.

J-Power owns and operates 17 GW power plants. It has built and operated coal-fired power plants using a new technology as well as hydro-electric power plants and HVDC transmission lines.

The company has been active in the past 50 years investing in countries other than Japan and cooperating with power companies in consultation activities.

In 2004 it conducted a privatization program and promoted the application of the latest technology to power generation to support sustainable development of the electricity sector.

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