
Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Indonesia`s Mobile-8 sets 2007 capex at $125 mln on network expansion

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - PT Mobile-8 Telecom, a CDMA-based mobile phone operator, plans capital spending of 125 mln usd this year, up from 10 mln usd last year, company president Hidajat Tjandradjaja said.

He said a large portion of the spending will be allocated to expanding its phone coverage area in Java, Madura and Bali islands, either by building its own base stations or leasing them from developers.

He added the company plans to expand its coverage area to West and East Kalimantan and West and East Nusa Tenggara next year.

Capex for 2008 is expected to decline to 75 mln usd, he told XFN Asia.

Tjandradjaja said the company expects its cellular subscribers to increase to 4 mln this year and 7 mln next year from around 2 mln at end-March.

He said he expects the company's cellular phone market share to expand to 5 pct by the end of this year from around 3 pct last year.

"Assuming our subscribers will increase to 4 mln this year, we expect our revenue to rise to 1.5-1.8 trln rupiah this year," he added. Last year, the company booked sales of 588.64 bln rupiah.

Tjandrajaja added shareholders have today approved the management's plan to merge the company's wholly-owned units PT Metro Selular Nusantara (Metrosel), PT Komunikasi Selular Indonesia (Komselindo) and PT Telekomindo Selular Raya (Telesera), with Mobile-8 to become the surviving entity.

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