
Sunday, May 06, 2007

Chinese investor to set up biodiesel firms in West Kalimantan

PONTIANAK (Antara): A Chinese investor will set up three biodiesel companies in West Kalimantan that will process the province's crude palm oil (CPO) production, alocal official said on Sunday.

Head of Cooperatives Coordination Agency (UKM) of West Kalimantan's Capital Investment Board (Bakomapin), M Zeet Hamdy Assovie said that the three companies would be built in the districts of Sanggau, Sambas and Ketapang.

Hamdy said he had not yet been informed of the capacity and investment value of the three firms.

"The important thing is that they have expressed interest in establishing the companies," Hamdy added.

He said that investors hoped that West Kalimantan would improve its investment climate in various fields.

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