
Sunday, May 27, 2007

Austria interested in investing in biofuel in Indonesia

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Austria was interested in investing in a biofuel industry development, both from crude palm oil and jatropha curcas plants, according to a diplomat.

Austrian Ambassador to Indonesia Klaus Wofer made the statement in Purwakarta, West Java, on Friday after attending the inauguration of a waste treatment industry of PT South Pacific Viscouse (SPV), which is a rayon fiber producer of Austria.

"A number of Austrian companies are interested in investing in biofuel sector as the demand for biofuel in Europe is increasing," Ambassador Wofer said.

He said that biofuel development was very potential to be carried out in Indonesia for exports to European countries.

The ambassador said that a number of Austrian businessmen would hold a seminar in Indonesia in October and November this year on biofuel development by presenting Austrian experts as speakers.

The Austrian Ambassador said that his country`s total investment in Indonesia currently reached up to US$300 million. One of the Austrian investments was PT South Pacific Viscouse, which is a subsidiary of Lenzig AG.

Other Austrian investments in Indonesia included those in the sectors of environmental technology, medical equipment, and clean air quality technology.

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