
Saturday, April 21, 2007

Pertamina, Russian Lukoil team up in oil exploration

The Jakarta Post

State oil and gas firm Pertamina has reached an agreement with Lukoil Overseas, a subsidiary of Russia's largest oil company, to explore oil and gas in Indonesia and other countries, particularly in the former Soviet Union.

In an MoU signed Wednesday in Moscow, the two companies agreed to work together to exploit mature oil fields and for training purposes.

Pertamina spokesman Toharso said Friday that the two companies would apply enhanced oil recovery technology to extend the lives of aging Indonesian oil fields.

Pertamina and Lukeoil would soon establish a steering committee to prepare for the establishment of joint venture companies to put the cooperation agreement into effect.

Lukoil, the world's second largest oil company, conducts oil and gas exploration and production in many countries, including Iran, Irak, Saudi Arabia, Columbia, Venezuela, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

The company, which controls around 1.3 percent of global oil reserves, and 2.1 percent of global oil production, dominates the Russian energy sector, with its oil production accounting for 18 percent of Russia's total oil production.

The Russian company also operates refineries in Ukraine, Bulgaria and Romania, with a total capacity of 58.5 million tons per year.

Last year, Pertamina also signed an agreement with Norwegian oil giant Statoil for joint oil and gas exploration in Indonesia. Earlier this month, a joint venture set up by the two companies won the right to develop an oil and gas block at Karama in the Makassar Strait.

Using Statoil technology, the joint venture will invest up to US$75 million on exploration work in the block, which is estimated to hold potential oil reserves of 200 million barrels. (JP/04)

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