
Saturday, April 07, 2007

Govt to rebuild slide-hit homes

The Jakarta Post

KUPANG, East Nusa Tenggara: The central government will build 1,736 houses for residents affected or threatened by landslides in Manggarai regency on Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara province.

Manggarai Regent Christian Rotok said the central government had disbursed money to build the houses. Of the 1,736 houses, 458 are for people who lost their homes in landslide, while the other 1,278 are for residents who are being relocated out of slide-prone areas.

"The construction will use Rp 11 billion (US$1.2 million) disbursed by the central government," Christian said Thursday.

He said the houses would be built on two government-owned plots of land in Kota Kamba and Elar districts.

The two sites, however, are only able to accommodate a total of 500 families, so the regency administration will have to find more land for the remaining families.

Floods and landslides devastated the regency in early March, killing about 70 people and causing Rp 411 billion in damage.

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