
Monday, April 16, 2007

Digital Television Standardization to be Applied

Monday, 16 April, 2007 | 14:32 WIB

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: The government is finally to apply the terrestrial digital video broadcasting system from Europe as the digital television standard in Indonesia.

By the Information and Communication Minister Decision No. 7/P/M.Kominfo/3/2007, the government decided to choose this system based on random tests and public consultations during February.

According to Nukman Chalid Sangadji, Head of the Legal and Public Relations Bureau at the Information and Communication Department, with the decision, all institutions of terrestrial television service broadcasting agencies in Indonesia and all related industries are asked to prepare a migration process from analog to digital broadcasting systems.

“The main plan of frequency distribution, ranking standardization and migration schedule will be arranged in the future. Mobile television will not be arranged,” said Nukman in a press statement last week.

Gde Widiadnyana, Director General of Communication Devices and Information Dissemination, said that now the government was preparing regulations for running digital television broadcasting, such as frequency and equipment standards.

The provisions are being discussed by the National Team for Migration from Analog to Digital Broadcasting Systems.

According to him, the advantages of digital television include frequency usage efficiency.

One frequency channel which was only used for television stations, for example, will later be able to be used for four television channels.

However, he acknowledged the migration process from analog to digital will cause additional costs, either from the industry’s side or the user.

The migration obliges the broadcasting industry to change all transmitters on relay towers.

The people who already have analog televisions must buy digital signal receivers or replace their televisions.

Currently, said Gde Widiadnyana, there are 11 television stations operating nationally.

This number does not yet include around 80 local or community television stations.

Alex Komara, member of the Technique Commission of the Indonesian Television Broadcasting Association, confirmed about the industry side not yet ready to perform migration in the near future as the device costs are relatively high.


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