
Monday, April 09, 2007

Chinese bizmen eyeing Indonesian furniture

Beijing (ANTARA News) - Some Chinese entrepreneurs want to import Indonesian ethnic furniture although China is one of the world`s largest furniture exporting countries, an Indonesian official said.

The intention to buy Indonesian furniture was conveyed by Chinese businessmen who met with their Indonesian counterparts at the recent 20th Shenzhen International Furniture, Home Decoration, Material Accessory Expo (SIFE), Indonesian Trade Attache Imbang Listiyadi said here Monday.

Some 108 Indonesian furniture entrepreneurs grouped in the Indonesian Furniture and Handicrafts Association (Asmindo) joined the annual expo which was held in Shenzhen on March 19-22.

Other visitors to the Indonesian stand were from European, Southeast Asian and Middle Eastern countries and the United States, he said.

The Indonesian furniture stand at the four-day forum attracted 55,513 people, Imbang said adding that the number of visitors increased by 21 percent compared to that of last year.

Quoting foreign businessmen, Imbang said, Indonesian furniture was rich in beautiful ethnic designs.

"Although in small quantities many foreign businessmen visiting the Indonesian stand placed orders for exhibited products notably traditional handicrafts made from wood, rattan and coconut shell," he said.

Imbang said Asmindo wanted to set up an Indonesia House in China and sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Shenzhen Furniture Trade Association (SFA) on design and market penetration cooperation.

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