
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

BKPM ready to facilitate Iranian plan to build oil refinery in Banten

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Investment Coordinating Agency (BKPM) Chairman Muhammad Lutfi on Tuesday gave the assurance that the agency would approve Iran`s investment proposal to build a US$5.6 billion oil refinery in the Indonesian province of Banten.

"We can give the assurance that we will issue an investment permit without intervention from any third parties," he said.

He added, however, that Iran had so far not made a formal request for the approval of its investment proposal to build the oil refinery plant with a capacity of 300,000 barrels per day.

"Anyone can invest in Indonesia, the more so Iran is not on the Indonesian investment blacklist," he said.

An Iranian delegation led by Gh A Haddad Adel visited House of Representatives chairman Agung Laksono last February confirming Iran`s plan to build the oil refinery.

The Indonesian government has come under fire from many circles after it supported the United Nations Security Council resolution imposing tougher sanctions on Iran over its controversial uranium enrichment program

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