
Friday, March 23, 2007

Qatar provides teacher training

The Jakarta Post

KLATEN: In its effort to help improve the quality of teachers and students in earthquake-affected regions, the government Qatar has established a training center here at SMPN 1 Bayat junior high school.

The training center was established by the Qatar Foundation in cooperation with Reach Out To Asia (ROTA) and Yayasan Titian Masa Depan.

According to ROTA media consultant Jill McCarthy, the training center would be in operation for five years and aimed mainly to improve the quality of both the teachers and students in the region.

"The training center will not change the existing educational system nor the curriculum, but enrich them instead," McCarthy said.

Apart from the center, Qatar also provided the school with Rp 10 billion in reconstruction funds to rebuild the heavily damaged buildings of the school.

McCarthy also said that similar training centers would be established next month at SD Madugondo elementary school and SMPN 2 junior high school, both in Piyungan, Bantul, and at SDN I and SMPN 1 Kalasan in Sleman.

The daughter of Qatar's emir, Sara binti Hamid Al-Thani, visited the training center in Bayat earlier this month, accompanied by Qatar Foundation chairman Rasyid Al-Naimi. -- JP/Slamet Susanto

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