
Thursday, February 08, 2007

German Aid of Rp20 Billion for Solo

Thursday, 08 February, 2007 | 17:09 WIB

TEMPO Interactive, Solo: The municipal government of Solo, Central Java, is to receive aid amounting to Rp20 billion from the Germany Institute.

This organization of German donor representatives for Indonesia will provide equipment and machinery for the Solo Techno Park that is currently being prepared by the municipal government.

“The grant will be handed over in two stages. This year, equipment and machinery for automotives and garments will be provided. The remainder will be given next year,” said Masrinhadi, the Solo City Head of the Industry, Trade and Investment Service, this afternoon (8/2).

The 28-hectare Solo Techno Park is an integrated area for industrial, trade and service activities, and also contains educational facilities.

Solo Techno Park is designed to produce around 2,000 automotive experts and 15,000 garment graduates who will be ready to work.

Even though it has not yet been realized, the Solo Municipal Government is generating cooperation with many parties, such as automotive entrepreneurs and the Indonesian Textile Association (API).

The Indonesian Oil and Gas Association is even interested to train experts in drilling.

Imron Rosyid

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