
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Proposed Loan and Technical Assistance Grant (ADB)

Asian Development Bank, November 2006

The Project supports the Government’s efforts to improve madrasah education so it meets national education standards, within the Government’s broader education policy and strategic framework. The Project will cover primary, junior, and senior secondary private and public madrasahs in 27 poor districts of Central Java, East Java, and South Sulawesi provinces.

The Project will benefit 120,000 students in 500 madrasahs.

The Project will support a mixture of demand- and supply-side interventions to enable project madrasahs to (i) improve teacher professionalism; (ii) upgrade teaching–learning resources and facilities; (ii) increase their internal efficiency; and (iii) strengthen their governance, management, and sustainability. The Project will help madrasahs meet national education standards according to the needs identified in madrasah development plans, through a range of interventions, including teacher qualification upgrading and professional certification, provision of substitute teachers, and teaching skills development; upgrading or expansion of facilities (classrooms, libraries, and laboratories); and provision of teaching–learning materials. These interventions will be selected by individual madrasahs according to their development needs.

The Project will enhance the internal efficiency of project madrasahs by increasing enrollment, decreasing dropout and repetition rates, and increasing completion rates at all levels through remedial and scholarship programs, particularly for poor and female students. Governance, management, and financial sustainability of project madrasahs will be improved through training and performance-based madrasah development planning and management, and advocacy programs to enhance the perception of madrasah education quality and encourage stakeholder participation to ensure better resource mobilization and transparency.

Read More : Madrasah Education Development Project (Indonesia) [PDF]

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